Size Neck Circumference (cm) Chest Circumference (cm)
XS 24 31-48
S 30 42-60
M 36 51-75
L 42 58-82
XL 46 68-97

To find the best size harness for your pup, please measure their neck and chest circumference to compare with the harness sizing chart.

We also strongly recommend measuring the widest part of your pup’s head, too. As for your pup to put on the harness, it needs to go over their head therefore please also take this into consideration when choosing the best size harness for your furry best friend.

Please note the chest strap can be adjusted but the neck area of the harness is not adjustable. This dog harness style is designed to fit best for pup’s with neck circumferences below and around the neck circumference measurements given in the harness sizing table.